Spiritual Life

The chaplaincy sits at the heart of spiritual life at Mayfield. It exists to provide relevant spiritual and pastoral support to all girls and staff in the school community.

The Chaplaincy serves a number of functions:

  • To offer pastoral support to girls, staff and the wider school community
  • To provide opportunities for prayer, worship and the Sacraments, especially the celebration of Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation to girls, staff and parents
  • To facilitate the whole School involvement in community service and charity fundraising.

The Chaplaincy provides an informal and experiential education in partnership with the Religious Studies Department’s formal curriculum.  It strives to engage students with the spiritual aspects of themselves, no matter what their experience of faith or Church, so that they are spiritually aware and able to make their own choices and form their own beliefs.

As a centre for pastoral care the Chaplaincy is a safe, comfortable place away from the demands of academic life. The Lay Chaplain, Mr Ronan Lavery, is available for the girls to drop in for a chat and ‘spends time’ informally around the school. The Chaplain works closely with the Head, Deputy Heads, Heads of School, Health Centre, House Mistresses, Form Tutors and families to provide a support network adaptable to the needs of every individual.

Although headed by our Lay Chaplain, everyone within the School has a part to play in maintaining and developing Mayfield's ethos. New ideas and questions are always welcomed.