Mayfield School is celebrating an impressive set of GCSE results, with 25% of grades at grade 9, the School’s best performance by this measure since the numerical grading system was introduced, excluding the Covid affected years.
- Academic
Mayfield School is celebrating an impressive set of GCSE results, with 25% of grades at grade 9, the School’s best performance by this measure since the numerical grading system was introduced, excluding the Covid affected years.
Mayfield, a leading Catholic independent day and boarding school for girls, is proud to announce that its students have excelled in this year’s A-Level examinations, achieving an outstanding 81% of grades at A*-B, with half of all grades awarded being A* or A.
Former Mayfield student Emily Craig wins gold at Paris Olympics!
Cornelia Connelly’s motto, “Actions Not Words,” emphasises living the Gospel through actions. She believed God's love should adapt to the needs of each era. Year 10 girls enjoyed a day themed around this inspiring principle.
Yesterday, 11 girls from Year 8 travelled to Worth Abbey to take part in the annual diocesan Good Shepherd celebration.
Congratulations to the nine Mayfield girls who were confirmed on Sunday!
This morning ten of our Year 12 students helped out with the primary school sports day in the park across the road.
On Thursday we celebrated Ascension Day. We marked the day as a whole school community, with Mass in the morning, followed by a picnic-style lunch.
The girls of Year 8 discovered a new way to look at their Cornelian principle of compassion as their Day of Recollection unfolded.
Here are our top ten do’s and don’ts for effective revision.
Incredible news! Bakhita House has achieved a significant milestone, raising over £1000 for Maggie's on their Charity Day today!
Kate O'Hearn's visit to Mayfield sparked excitement as she arrived in her 'Pegasus' attire, sharing her writing inspirations rooted in mythology.
Bobby Seagull, Maths guru and TV personality, inspires Mayfield Students.
Mayfield Girls were motivated by OC Caroline Quill's journey and advice on International Women's Day.
Mayfield's scholars from Years 9-13 host interactive workshops, fostering peer-to-peer learning on diverse topics for Years 7 and 8 students.
The Governors of Mayfield School are delighted to announce the appointment of Mrs Deborah Bligh as Headmistress of Mayfield School from 1 April 2024.
On Monday, Year 10 focused on generosity during their Day of Recollection.
Mayfield's talented cast wow audiences with their performance of 'The Addams Family'.
In response to feedback from parents and students, we have replaced our family fast days with 'live simply days'.
On Monday, we celebrated the birthday of our foundress, Cornelia Connelly, with a beautiful Mass.
Sixth Former Annabel has won the Royal Geographical Society's Young Geographer of the Year competition.
The Cricketer ranks Mayfield among the 'Top 20 Girls Schools for Cricket' for the fourth year in a row!
Last Friday, 18 Year 11 and 12 girls braved a chilly night outdoors, raising £2,435 for the Cardinal Hume Centre in London to support the homeless.
Avila House celebrated its first Feast Day on Wednesday, raising over £170 for Maggie's charity.
It is with profound sorrow that we announce the death of Miss Antonia Beary yesterday after a long illness.
Gratitude, vital for physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing, was the theme for the Year 11 Day of Recollection on Monday.
On World Mental Health Day, nine pupils volunteered for an Anti-Bullying Ambassador training workshop.
Year 7 students enjoyed their Day of Recollection at Ashburnham Place, exploring the outdoors and making fresh juice from hand-picked fruits.
Mayfield won the mini and novice show jumping classes at Felbridge last Saturday, whilst the intermediate and open teams came second in their category.
Year 9 engaged in a captivating carousel of activities, exploring various aspects of World Religions through a creative lens.
In the Catholic tradition, the month of May is devoted to Mary. The sun was (finally) shining as we started our Marian Procession outside St Gabriel’s House on Sunday Morning.
It is with great sadness that Mayfield School announces that its Headmistress, Miss Antonia Beary, is retiring on the grounds of ill health with effect from 31 August 2023.
Mayfield, the leading Catholic independent day and boarding school for girls, is celebrating an impressive set of GCSE results, with one in four of grades awarded being the top grade (grade 9).
Mayfield, the leading Catholic independent day and boarding school for girls, is celebrating another impressive set of A level results, with a 100% pass rate and over half the grades awarded being A* or A.
A team of Lower Sixth pupils from Mayfield School have received a coveted Gold Award for their experimental project work in this year’s British Physics Olympiad competition, placing them in the top four nationally.
Three Sixth Form girls from Mayfield have won a national engineering accolade for their plan to reduce carbon emissions and make Mayfield village more sustainable, placing second out of 140 Schools from across the UK in this year’s ICE CityZen Competition.
Muddy Stilettos, one of the UK's leading digital lifestyle platforms, visited the School recently to undertake a review. Their verdict...?
Last week, Caedmon - Mayfield's prestigious senior drama group - performed 'Before the Ink was Dry', a darkly comic murder mystery written by our talented Sixth Formers.
Last week Cosima, Lizzie and Esme from Year 12 along with Rosie, Iulia and Sophie from Year 11 attended the 7th Annual Model United Nations Conference in Poland.
Mayfield is one of just six schools across the country to have reached this stage in the Girls’ School category.
Mayfield students have reacted to their excellent GCSE results. Here's what they had to say...
Mayfield, the leading Catholic independent day and boarding school for girls, is celebrating an impressive set of GCSE results.
Mayfield, the leading Catholic independent day and boarding school, is celebrating an impressive set of A level results after what has been a challenging few years for those sitting Public examinations.
The British pudding comes in all shapes and sizes and at the beginning of term we launched a competition to find Mayfield's very best puddings, in honour of Her Majesty The Queen's Platinum Jubilee.
Last week saw three wonderful performances of the play The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, by Mayfield Theatre Company Seniors.
Today saw Mayfield play their first ever competitive football fixture, when our U13s took on Sevenoaks Prep.
Last weekend 16 girls - in Years 9, 10 and 11 - represented the UK and Eritrea at the Model United Nations conference at Magdalen College School in Oxford.
To mark International Women’s Day, OC Lizzie Cranfield joined the school assembly to talk about her experience of working in a male-dominated environment in the Army and ‘breaking the bias’.
Mayfield's Sixth Form Scientists picked up four Gold awards at the recent Chemistry Olympiad, the leading chemistry competition for secondary students across the British Isles.