Lady Davies of Stamford MA(Oxon), MBA *
Deputy Chairman and Chairman of Finance and General Purposes Committee
Mr Chris Buxton BA, ACA *
Chairman of Education Committee
Mrs Marion McGovern BA, Cert Ed +
Chairman of Ethos Committee
Dr Rhona Lewis MA, PhD + x
Mrs Angela Drew BA, PGCE, MBA +
Mr Andrew Larsson MA (Cantab), MEng, MCISI *
Mr Tim Reid LLB * #
Mrs Caroline Wood BSc *
Dr Veronica Cloke Browne FEI CEng MIChemE +
Dr Luminata Henshaw (Safeguarding Governor)
Miss Deidre Rowe BA (Hons), MA, PGCE, CCRS, NPQH
Mr John McConnell BSocSc*
Fr. John Dickson x
* Finance and General Purposes Committee
+ Education Committee
# Governance Committee
x Ethos Committee
Anyone wishing to contact the Chair of Governors, Lady (Chantal) Davies of Stamford, should do so c/o The Clerk to the Governors, Mayfield School, The Old Palace, Mayfield TN20 6PH. Any correspondence of a sensitive nature should be marked ‘Private and Confidential’.