Old Cornelians
Choosing a Holy Child education begins a Relationship that lasts a Lifetime
For over a century, Holy Child alumnae have celebrated their unique identity as ‘Old Cornelians’ by cherishing their friendships from school and supporting current students in a variety of ways, including as speakers, mentors and careers volunteers. Our vibrant alumnae network spans the globe and our busy alumnae events calendar includes reunions and other special events at School, off-site and by online.
Old Cornelians can keep up-to-date with Mayfield School and each other via our online community, ‘OC CONNECT’ and our OC Liaison, Narelle Morson, is always delighted to help.
find out more oc events
To contact Narelle, email her on: oldcornelians@mayfieldgirls.org or phone: +44 (0) 1435 874674