
Mayfield scholarships are never offered lightly. They are offered to girls who display both exceptional potential and the character to make the most of their talent.

We expect much from our scholars, not only in terms of achievement but also behaviour and attitude.  In return, we promise to support and challenge them, whether their talents are academic or focused on one or more of Art, Drama, Music and Choral Singing, Sport and Riding. 

The scholars are looked after by our Heads of Department, Heads of School, and our Scholarship and Gifted and Talented Coordinator, who have an overview of their progress and work with academic staff to ensure that they are challenged and supported at all stages of their school careers.  The Coordinator organises a varied programme of events through termly Scholars’ Lunches and Teas, Gifted and Talented Masterclasses, student-led workshops and trips including a G&T Study Day for Year 10.  Scholars are strongly encouraged to take part in different challenges and competitions inside and outside the School, and to read widely beyond the curriculum. There is a formal review process of individual scholarships at the end of each academic year and an annual Scholars’ Dinner.

This results in young women who develop a love of learning, and is outstanding preparation for the challenges which higher education will offer them.