Sixth Form

Mayfield girls excel in latest A level exams

Mayfield, a leading Catholic independent day and boarding school for girls, is proud to announce that its students have excelled in this year’s A-Level examinations, achieving an outstanding 81% of grades at A*-B, with half of all grades awarded being A* or A.

  • Academic
  • Sixth Form

We want the Sixth Form years at Mayfield to be the pinnacle of our students’ school careers. The opportunity to specialise and delve deeper into academic subjects, coupled with the chance to broaden their life experience through a wide range of co- and extra-curricular activities make these two years very special indeed.

Greater independence is undoubtedly a feature of Sixth Form life at Mayfield.  In addition, there are many positions of responsibility and leadership opportunities available to the girls: from House and Sport captaincies to mentoring the younger girls, Subject Ambassadors, Peer Counsellors, Chaplaincy Reps, actors, musicians and lifeguards (to mention just a few of the opportunities available) – girls in the Sixth Form play a vital role in the life and leadership of our School, helping Mayfield maintain its special character, but also helping them to develop important skills for the next stage of their lives.

Greater academic autonomy is also nurtured through the provision of individual study spaces in the Sixth Form Centre for all students - boarders and day girls alike.  As the girls have chosen to extend their academic interests, students in the Mayfield Sixth Form are supported in developing self-motivated working habits and time management skills. We expect all the girls to demonstrate intellectual curiosity both within and beyond their examined curriculum. The extensive resources of the School Library are fully at their disposal, and there is wi-fi throughout the Sixth Form Centre. There are also a number of computers available in the Wolfson Room should girls need to undertake research or complete assignments. The girls’ capacity for rational argument and critical thought is sustained not only through excellent, small group teaching, but also through the Sixth Form Enrichment Programme, the wide range of extra-curricular options, and our programme of visiting speakers.