Geography is essentially about people and places; how people create the bit of the world they live in, and how the world they live in makes them the people that they are.
Has there ever been a better or more important time to study Geography? There is a growing interest in issues such as migration, environmental degradation, global conflict and climate change. Geography provides a perspective on the present and future world; it helps girls to become better decision makers. At Mayfield we build global and regional understanding and awareness, using a wide range of current and relevant case studies. We enable every girl to achieve high academic standards and to acquire the knowledge, understanding, and skills necessary for her full and meaningful participation in a democratic system and a global society.
Both the GCSE and A Level courses are examined by AQA and we have a very strong track record of examination success – typically the vast majority of girls achieve Levels 7 to 9 at GCSE and A/A* at A Level. Many girls further their interest in Geography by studying at top Russell Group Universities such as Bristol and Durham. The Geography Department maintains strong links with Geography graduates and many return to School to share their passion and experiences. We have two specialist classrooms with smartboards and a wide range of fieldwork equipment including the latest data-loggers. The ‘Mayfield Environmental & Sustainability Society’ or MESSy is a very popular club which is led by senior girls – it has been active in promoting sustainable living, fundraising and improving the environment through activities such as beach clean-ups.
Fieldwork is an important feature of the Geography Department as it underpins our examination success. Fieldwork enables girls to develop a wide range of geographical skills from map reading and using fieldwork equipment effectively, to using statistical tools to analyse geographical data. Fieldwork enables girls to formulate hypotheses and confidently design a sequence of investigation to find answers. There is at least one day of fieldwork every year for each year group, in addition to which GCSE students in Year 10 have the option of joining a departmental trip to Morocco for a week’s study in the ‘High Atlas’ mountains. Sixth Form students have the opportunity of visiting Iceland.
A Level students enrich their course by taking out membership of the Wealden Branch of the Geographical Association and attending presentations from leading university lecturers.