Co-Curricular Music
Co-curricular Music is a vital part of Mayfield life, with a prestigious and living tradition of choral and instrumental music, and regular concerts, both formal and informal, providing opportunities for performance to all girls.
Schola Cantorum is the School’s leading choir, showcasing our finest singers. Open to girls from Years 7 to 13, Schola sings at a high level, and has performed at Westminster Abbey, St Peter’s Basilica in Rome, and Notre Dame de Paris, as well as other prestigious venues. Every year, Schola leads the music for Live Crib, and every two years, joins with the Mayfield Festival Choir to perform a large-scale choral work in the Mayfield Festival.
The School Orchestra is open to girls of all year groups who play an instrument at Grade 4 or above, and plays both a classical and more contemporary repertoire.
Smaller groups include the Chamber Ensemble, Mayfield Melodies, two Flute Ensembles, the Guitar Ensemble, and the Contemporary Choir, with new groups emerging as the need arises. For boarders, the Chapel Choir sings every week at Sunday Mass, learning pieces ranging from Gregorian chant to contemporary hymns, and newly-composed motets.
Our staff of 18 visiting music tutors teach a range of instruments throughout the week, and there are opportunities to take ABRSM practical exams three times every academic year. Music Theory is taught as a co-curricular subject to help prepare girls wishing to take Grade 5 Theory before the practical exams.
Music Scholarships are available at 11+, 13+ and 16+. Scholars are the leading musicians in the School. They should play two instruments to a high standard, and are expected to participate in ensembles where they will learn leadership skills and inspire other musicians. Information on requirements for scholarships are available from the School Registrar.