Spiritual Life
"My daughter has flourished under the Catholic ethos of the school and has embraced her spiritual life and found great joy directly as a result".
Parent Survey 2024
We are delighted to announce Mayfield School has been rated "Outstanding" in all areas by the Catholic Schools Inspectorate. The report describes Mayfield as an “exceptionally joyful and supportive school,” where “students feel empowered to strive to be the best they can be in all elements of their lives.”
- Academic
- Boarding
- Creative Arts
- Equestrian
- Extra-curricular
- Pastoral & Spiritual
- Sport
On Friday, Mayfield students spent a night outdoors to understand homelessness, organised by the Justice and Peace group supporting London's Cardinal Hume Centre.
- Pastoral & Spiritual
As part of Mayfield School’s Sixth Form exchange, Mrs Fletcher and five students enjoyed an exciting half-term visit to our sister school, Oak Knoll, in Summit, New Jersey. The US exchange offered a rich mix of academic, cultural, and extracurricular experiences.
- Extra-curricular
- Pastoral & Spiritual
Foundation Day was a lively celebration, with students and staff in house colours joining in hockey, quizzes, debates, and the exciting new Challenge to earn points!
- Pastoral & Spiritual
Year 11 students, along with Chaplain Ronan and staff, gathered at Ashburnham Place for their annual Day of Recollection, focusing on the Cornelian principle of Gratitude.
- Pastoral & Spiritual
Mayfield School was thrilled to welcome back former pupil and Olympic Rowing Champion, Emily Craig, to officially open their new Wellbeing Centre.
In July, Mrs Helen Lavery, Assistant Housemistress at St Michael's House, joined five Mayfield students on a pilgrimage to Lourdes with Ampleforth. The group dedicated a week to prayer and service in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes.
- Pastoral & Spiritual
Cornelia Connelly’s motto, “Actions Not Words,” emphasises living the Gospel through actions. She believed God's love should adapt to the needs of each era. Year 10 girls enjoyed a day themed around this inspiring principle.
- Pastoral & Spiritual
Yesterday, 11 girls from Year 8 travelled to Worth Abbey to take part in the annual diocesan Good Shepherd celebration.
- Pastoral & Spiritual
Congratulations to the nine Mayfield girls who were confirmed on Sunday!
- Pastoral & Spiritual
This morning ten of our Year 12 students helped out with the primary school sports day in the park across the road.
- Pastoral & Spiritual
- Sixth Form
On Thursday we celebrated Ascension Day. We marked the day as a whole school community, with Mass in the morning, followed by a picnic-style lunch.
- Pastoral & Spiritual
The girls of Year 8 discovered a new way to look at their Cornelian principle of compassion as their Day of Recollection unfolded.
- Pastoral & Spiritual
Incredible news! Bakhita House has achieved a significant milestone, raising over £1000 for Maggie's on their Charity Day today!
- Pastoral & Spiritual
Year 9 engaged in a captivating carousel of activities, exploring various aspects of World Religions through a creative lens.
- Pastoral & Spiritual
In the Catholic tradition, the month of May is devoted to Mary. The sun was (finally) shining as we started our Marian Procession outside St Gabriel’s House on Sunday Morning.
- Pastoral & Spiritual
Last Friday, 18 Year 11 and 12 girls braved a chilly night outdoors, raising £2,435 for the Cardinal Hume Centre in London to support the homeless.
- Pastoral & Spiritual
Avila House celebrated its first Feast Day on Wednesday, raising over £170 for Maggie's charity.
- Pastoral & Spiritual
Gratitude, vital for physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing, was the theme for the Year 11 Day of Recollection on Monday.
- Pastoral & Spiritual
On World Mental Health Day, nine pupils volunteered for an Anti-Bullying Ambassador training workshop.
- Pastoral & Spiritual
Year 7 students enjoyed their Day of Recollection at Ashburnham Place, exploring the outdoors and making fresh juice from hand-picked fruits.
- Pastoral & Spiritual
May all possess that peace
which is God's own gift.Cornelia Connelly
Our Catholic ethos is at the heart of all we do here at Mayfield. As a diverse and welcoming community, we aim to support every member of the Mayfield community in their journey to become ‘all that God wants them to be.’
Immersed in the charism of Blessed Cornelia Connelly, and the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, we form girls ready to respond to the needs of their age, while endeavouring to constantly provide opportunities for encounter with God throughout the school day. We strive to engage students with the spiritual aspects of themselves, so that they are spiritually aware and able to make their own choices and form their own beliefs.
Proudly Catholic, we embrace the ‘catholic’, or ‘universal’ element of our school, where girls are welcomed, supported and included, regardless of their faith background or journey. Absolute mutual respect is expected among staff and students. Our charism, our universality and our welcome all combine to make Mayfield a safe and nurturing environment for every young woman who joins our special family.
Spirituality runs through everything we do here at Mayfield. Every school day begins with prayer- whether that is reciting the school prayer together at the beginning of assembly, using the weekly prayer slides, or school prayer book during tutor time, or even something as simple as pausing for a few moments of quiet reflection at the beginning of Like Skills.
The Chaplaincy
Let us love one another and pray.
Let us love one another and be faithful.
Let us love one another and be humble.
Let us love one another and be filled with the charity of God.
Let us love one another with God, in God and for God, and we shall thus be one with him for all eternity.
Cornelia Connelly
The Chaplaincy sits at the heart of spiritual life at Mayfield. It exists to provide relevant spiritual and pastoral support to all girls and staff in the school community. While remaining true to the Catholic identity of the school, and drawing heavily from the example of Blessed Cornelia Connelly, our Foundress, the Chaplaincy is committed to offering an experience which will take into account the lived experience and faith needs of all the members of the Mayfield community, students and staff alike, whether they are those:
• who are regularly practicing Catholics;
• for whom Mayfield might be their first and only experience of Church;
• from other Christian denominations;
• from other faith backgrounds, or none.
The Chaplaincy strives to engage students with the spiritual aspects of themselves, no matter what their experience of faith or Church, so that they are spiritually aware and able to make their own choices and form their own beliefs.
The Chaplaincy serves a number of functions:
• To offer pastoral support to girls, staff and the wider school community;
• To provide opportunities for prayer, worship and the Sacraments, especially the celebration of Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation to girls, staff
and parents;
• To ensure a planned series of opportunities and events to strengthen spiritual and personal development;
• To facilitate the whole School involvement in community service and charity fundraising.
The Chaplaincy Team
The Chaplaincy Team comprises the Lay Chaplain, Head of Pastoral, Head of Religious Studies, and Chaplaincy Prefect. It also includes Chaplaincy Ambassadors, taken from each year group in the school, whose role is to promote Chaplaincy activities and faith opportunities in the school, while representing the students’ views to the Chaplain.
The team is supported by several members of staff - the Chaplaincy Support Group - who meet once per half-term to advise the Chaplaincy Team, and feedback on issues or concerns.
We are also strongly supported by Father Patrick Fitzgerald-Lombard of the local St Thomas of Canterbury, Mayfield and Sacred Heart Church, Wadhurst. Along with other Priests from our Diocese, Fr Patrick comes regularly into school to lead our full school Masses on special occasions and on Holy Days of Obligation and to hear confession and offer spiritual support.